Koester House Museum Foundation

Specific Need

The Koester House Museum and Gardens have been exceedingly fortunate to receive the generous outpouring of contributions toward our organization.  The Koester House Foundation Board wishes to express our gratitude for thinking of the musuem when you make a contribution. 

Our efforts to help maintain and restore this Victorian home and gardens is a continual process.  The completion of the Brick Wall project was indeed something to celebrate. Moving on into the gardens, there are many large landscaping projects underway, such as restoring the brick walkways and adding a new brick patio.  Yearly, trees and shrubs are trimmed along with undertaking a multitude of smaller projects such as planting flowers for the spring opening on April 1st. 

Both the inside and the outside of the house requires many restorations and repairs, both large and small, to maintain the integrity of the dwelling. Recently, an upstairs bedroom was repaired.  The next project, as funds become available, will be to restore the music room on the first floor.  

Whatever amount you donate will always be used to your specific designation. If you choose to make a  donation toward a general purpose, be assured that it will be well and thoughfully applied. 

With our deepest appreciation,

The members of the Koester House Museum Foundation Board


The mission of the Koester House Museum Foundation is to assist in the preservation and maintenance of the Koester House Museum, 919 Broadway, Marysville, Kansas, and to support and assist in research and scholarship into the Koester house, the Koester family and the role they played in the development of the City of Marysville.  Our goal is to maintain the house and gardens for the community to view, use, and enjoy; as well as having the property act as an attraction for tourism within Marysville.  


The Koester House Museum & Gardens at 919 Broadway, Marysville, Kan., is a 19th century home with original furnishings and decor. Together with the summer kitchen, ice house and gardens, the home helps tell the story of early-day Marysville. The gardens feature 12 white bronze statues, including a baby elephant modeled after an elephant born in 1882 in the Barnum & Bailey Circus winter headquarters in Bridgeport, Conn. Roman mythology figures Diana and Mercury are among the statues. Laura Ingalls Wilder commented in her 1894 trail journals on the elegant house where cast-iron lions and dogs guard the gates.

The museum is open April through October, 10-4 Monday through Saturday and 1-4 Sunday. Admission is $5  for adults and $3 for children 12 and under. Tours and group visits can be booked year round by calling 785-562-5374.

Contact info: 

Kim Houtz Hiller, 785-562-8724, kimh.rm24@gmail.com

Sharon Kessinger, 785-713-1047, hskessinger@bluevalley.net

$27,753.89 received
in 61 gifts


919 Broadway St
Marysville, KS 66508
Phone: 7855628724

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